Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Loot
a statue called "Mother and Child"
a DVD player
a pair of heart earrings
a manicure
a Sugarland CD
a DVD of French Kiss, Never Been Kissed, and One Fine Day
a Sonic card for $20
a pizza pan
a cookie sheet
a PURPLE coat
a Kohl's card
I raked it in, didn't I?
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Cold Turkey

I was going to close the store today at 1:00 o'clock due to lack of customers, but now there is a lady in here buying tons of toys and games for her grandchildren! Good thing I stayed here! If I leave early, I am going to Burlington Coat Factory to look for a coat.
Ha ha! A couple just came in looking for carbon paper! I didn't even know they made that stuff anymore! Guess I'll stick around here a while longer to see if any more customers show up.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
10 More Days Until Christmas

Thursday night the family went to a barn dance. I had hurt my back so I couldn't dance, but R danced with each of the girls. They danced with their friends and (GASP)
Our pool pump went out and R is at home fixing it. It is slow here today at the store; I guess everyone is out Christmas shopping. I still have several gifts to get. Our tree isn't even up yet. Next week will probably do limited school and shop and wrap.
I feel like there are ghosts here today at the store. The doors keep opening by themselves (with the wind's help) and I keep hearing noises all over the place.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Thoughts about the store
You know, I don't really believe that God gave us all of this to "take it away." I believe that we all have seasons of our lives, and the season for us to own this business may be about to pass. That doesn't mean that our next season will not be rich with blessings. The business has TRULY been a blessing to our family. It has allowed my kids to see their grandparents at least once a week. It has brought our family closer together, although there are times it keeps us apart and distracted. It has allowed me to be with our wonderful daughters daily and homeschool them to boot! It has allowed me to meet some of the neatest people in the world and to call many of them my true friends. It has taught the girls how to work hard, how to treat people nicely, even when we don't feel like being nice. A good work ethic is very important. It has introduced me to some awesome curriculums for my daughters, some that actually do the job. It has paid for my daughters' outside classes. It has given me the privilege of employing some of the best employees by far. It has taught me how to multi-task, given me a stiff upper lip (although I could use a little more backbone). It has allowed me to express my creativity, my interests, upgrade my people skills, my research skills, my computer skills. So, you see, it was not for nothing. Whether the store lives or dies, I have come out of it a better person. I am not a failure. I am a survivor, and I will survive the next season of my life, as well.
Many of you have asked how you can pray for us. Pray that the website will take off if it is meant to be, pray that we will be open to hear what is truly God's direction in our lives. Worse case scenario is that I will have to go back to work full-time. If it is meant to be, we will work through it. God brought me into this business kicking and screaming. Pray that I don't leave it the same way, that I will be at peace with his decision.
I have not cried yet because I know that there is hope, that we have not tried everything we can do. If it gets down to that, I probably will. But like they say in The Sound of Music, "When God closes a door, he always opens a window."
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us."
"I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well."
The Golden Compass
Last night was spent watching the end of the Monk marathon, watching Santa Claus is Coming to Town, new holiday episodes of Monk and Psych.
Tonight R and I are going to the Christmas party for our Bible study class. We're taking a chocolate chip cheeseball and buffalo wings. I don't know what the girls are going to do. K17 is at work right now; K14 is at a service project for the Salvation Army.
The store has been super slow today, despite our sale. My friend R is going to stop by the store, so that should liven things up.
Y'all have a blessed day!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Christmas is Coming!

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Happy December!

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Marie Osmond
Square Envelopes
The square has four equal sides and four right angles. It is a regular shape. To the U.S. Postal Service, however, the square is "unusual." Its sorting machines, built for oblongs, can't find the address on a square envelope. People have to do it. That's why the post office imposes the square surcharge.
The square surcharge has been around since machine sorting began in 1979, yet even those who knew about it rarely knew how many stamps to put on a square letter. Postal clerks often didn't know, either, so square letters mostly got delivered anyway.
Then last May, the post office launched a new "shape-based" initiative. Mailing a one-ounce oblong costs 41 cents. A one-ounce square costs 58 cents, including a 17-cent surcharge for squareness. At a Manhattan post office not long ago, a window clerk named Thomas Merritt took one look at a square envelope and said, "Nonmachinable. I would not use that shape, period."
Guess in that case it's not hip to be square.
It is so weird letting your 17 yr old daughter go into a bank and make a deposit by herself. My fledgling is about to leave the nest, I suppose. In the past month she has also gone to the movies without a parent and to a restaurant without a parent. It makes me feel SO OLD!
I went to my new counselor, and I like her A LOT! The problem is: she gives homework and LOTS of it! This week I have to listen to another sermon by C.S. Spurgeon, who is good but I think very dry; read the entire book of Ephesians; read a small book (which I accidentally left on her desk -- awwwww); read a pamphlet, write down answers on a page about prayer, take notes on the sermon at my church this Sunday. OUCH!
I was thrilled to see the Target R2D2 coming onto the screen and saying, "Merry Christmas!" Good for Target FINALLY!
Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with quietness of mind; Teach us to be patient and always to be kind.Helen Steiner Rice
~'night all~
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Cold, Rainy Saturday

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving

Growing up, we had a fireplace. Every year for Christmas I would buy my dad the exact same thing - a box of fireplace matches and a package of color crystals that you throw into the fire, causing the flame to turn beautiful colors. I remember us trying to pop popcorn in the fireplace popcorn popper. It was tiring to hold that thing and shake it over the fire. Once Dad had some wood sitting on the hearth, and it was full of carpenter ants. I remember that when he threw the logs into the fire, that the ants made a hissing sound. I remember feeling sorry for the ants because they were experiencing a painful death.
On Christmas Eve, dad would open the fireplace curtain and move the grate sideways so that it looked disturbed. Then he would take his shoes and put them in the ashes and walk them across the floor, making it appear that Santa had been there.
I LOVE fires in the fireplace, but I am afraid of leaving the embers unattended when we go to bed.
~Happy Thanksgiving!~
A crooked log makes a straight fire.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Holiday Parade

Last night they went to a social, giving R and I some time alone. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Tonight they have a Thanksgiving feast at one of the churches, giving R and I time alone. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. They will be at my mom and dad's from Tuesday to Thanksgiving, giving -- you got it -- R and I time alone!
Tomorrow the Texans are playing, so that is couch time for me! The girls don't have any writing homework to do this weekend, but I think they have science work to do, I'm not sure.
I took K17 out of Vocabulary from the Classical Roots - it just wasn't doing the job -- and switched to a visual clue version of Wordsmart. It is the second book in a series, but got it in my resale section so I couldn't be picky.
The girls are at home making cornbread for tonight's feast. I have R working at the cash register deleting files, and I have played on my laptop all day. We got an order from Alabama yesterday. We have had a steady stream of customers today -- I didn't open until noon because of the parade -- mostly Girl Scout purchases.Dang! A man just picked up an expensive item that we NEVER sell and then decided to put it back!
Well, it's about time to close. Y'all have a nice weekend!
"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good..." Psalm 100:4, 5a
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Strike Outs Below
Overheard in the store today...

You'll be glad to know that Mr. Klein is already selling
The following was overheard in the store yesterday:
Customer to employee: How do you know how much this costs?
Employee: There is a price tag.
Customer(turning the book over): Oh, okay.
A big Homer Simpson "DOH"!
Some of you know that on Wednesday, I clean toilets, 18 to be exact (including urinals). I do this as part of a homeschool co-op. It's not an exciting job, but it keeps me away from people and all the chitchat. Anyway, you can learn a lot while cleaning toilets. For instance, did you know that the toilets in the girls' restroom are yuckier than those in the boys' restroom? Also, what is the point of tearing up paper towels into miniscule pieces and throwing them on the floor RIGHT NEXT TO THE TRASHCAN? I know why. So that I will be challenged picking them up wearing living gloves. Did you know that someone makes floormats especially to put in front of urinals? Today I learned that the automatic flushing toilets actually have a red button to push to manually flush them. Guess what I have been doing for the past six weeks? Waving my arms madly like a maniac, doing everything but the Hokey Pokey to get them to flush. What an idiot.
Just between you and me, I think that Marie Osmond is going to win Dancing with the Stars simply out of popularity. She should not have made it this far. I would be curious to see the actual results of the votes to see if she is usually close to number one. If she wins I think the show is done for. I mean, why watch when you know it's just a popularity contest?
"I've learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes."
-- Andy Rooney
Saturday, November 10, 2007
OCD Joke
A Stanford Medical research group advertised for participants in astudy of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
They were looking for therapy clients who had been diagnosed with thisdisorder.
The response was gratifying; they got 3,879 responses one hour afterthe ad came out.
All from the same person.
Tee hee.
Happy Birthday, Dad!

K17 got a job at Chick-Fil-A (good for her!), so that will be another place I will be driving to during the week.
I am very happy to report that my friend, Kim, had an excellent report from her oncologist this week! And she looks GREAT!
I know my last post sounded kind of depressing. This werek I feel like a new woman. I have started going to a Christian counselor (trial period) and she answered a lot of my questions. I am working on taking better care of my body, my mind, and spending more time with the family. I am even going to go to church tomorrow for the first time since December. I know that I will have setbacks (and I pray that my family will forgive me for that), but I am really going to try to make a go of it from now on. So now I am going to two counselors, but that should not be a problem because they are working on different issues. My OCD therapist will be moving away in February so I won't get to see her anymore anyway. And best of all -- this new counselor is free!
It is boring at the store today. R is on his way to bring me some lunch after he drops off K17 at a friends house. She's going to go see Dan In Real Life. K14 is hanging out at home with her BFF.
Only one order this month so far on the internet. Several people were shopping yesterday but didn't check out. Someone is shopping right now from PA - she has a whopping $3.90 in her shopping cart! The webmaster has assured us that even though this is considered to be our slow season, Google is continuing to increase the amount of people it sends here.
Went out for margaritas with E last night. Was so nice to get out, eat chips and pico de gallo, drink and talk for 2 1/2 hours.
Well, take care all. I don't have the creativity today to leave you with a quote.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Menu and such
Monday - stuffed baked potatoes
Tuesday - chicken salad and fruit on our way out the door to Bible Study
Wednesday - dirty rice (JUST R AND ME)
Thursday - out to eat night
Friday - R and I are attending a Barbque for a prospective art school for K17 in Houston. The girls will be a party that night.
Saturday - grilled salmon
Sunday - homemade wheat pizza
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Last Day of September

Monday, September 24, 2007
Volleyball Game
K14 is having her first guitar lesson tonight with my brother. Got her a beginner book, but she will need some thin guitar picks, he says.
Got the girls a Pride and Prejudice (motion picture version) piano book. I'm glad because I'm sort of getting tired of Phantom of the Opera songs.
Below is my menu for the month:
Monday – roast, meatloaf, quiche, lasagna
Roast and meatloaf served with potatoes and veggie; quiche and lasagna served with salad
Tuesday – chef salad, taco salad, grilled chicken salad, tuna/chicken salad
Tuna/chicken salad served with canned fruit and crackers
Wednesday – Chicken teryaki, turkey roast, roasted chicken, chicken stir fry
Served with rice and corn
Friday – potato soup, taco soup, chicken noodle soup, chili
Served with crackers, muffins, or cornbread
Saturday – catfish, salmon, fish sticks, salmon patties
Served with pasta and peas
Saturday – sloppy joes, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked potatos
First three served with French fries
Sunday – spaghetti, pork chops, tacos, homemade pizza
Chop and tacos with potatoes or rice. Spaghetti and pizza served with salad.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Shopping Carts

Thoughts on OCD
I saw a man in our parking lot a while back that I thought for sure must have had OCD. He pulled his car up, got out in front of the grocery store, got a large sponge out of his trunk and began to scrub his entire car, wheels and all, top to bottom. When he was done, he put the sponge away and went into the grocery store.
I had to laugh, but, actually, OCD is not that very funny. Some people are confined to their homes because of it. Considering that I have what has been termed a "severe" case of it, I am very blessed that I am as high-functioning as I am. I am able to hide a lot of my rituals, and, plus, most of my OCD goes on in my head, which is why it is so difficult to treat. Rituals are easier to treat because they are concrete.
Lots of Girl Scouts coming in the store today for uniforms. I have had one return so far in thirty minutes. It was something I wasn't supposed to take back (a workbook), but, hey, she caught me on a good day. One customer is bummed because we are out of EZ Graders. One lady came in and dumped off a whole bunch of math books she didn't want anymore.
Well, I have LOTS of work to do. Please pray that we get some more internet orders and that we are able to fill them.
Today's quote is from the Cosby Show:
Cliff takes women's underwear out among Theo's laundry)
Cliff: All of this isn't Theo's.
Rudy: That's definitely not Theo's!
Cliff: Is this yours?
Rudy: That's not mine! I'm not that mature yet.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Long Time No See

Sunday, August 19, 2007
My Sunday

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Menu planning
Here is a rotating menu I made for September. There are four Mondays, four Tuesdays, etc. Hoping to add soups to October's menu.
Monday - meatballs & rice, spaghetti, lasagna, baked spaghetti
Served with garlic bread and green beans
Tuesday - chef salad, taco salad, grilled chicken salad, tuna/chicken salad
Tuna/chicken salad serverd with canned fruit and crackers
Wednesday - grilled chicken, chicken teriyaki, turkey roast, chicken stir fry
served with rice and corn
Friday - catfish, salmon, fish sticks, salmon patties
served with pasta and peas
Saturday - sloppy joes, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked potatoes
first three served with french fries
Sunday - roast, pork chops, tacos, breakfast casserole
first three served with potatoes or rice; casserole served with biscuits and turkey bacon
This is a new sway of planning meals which I discovered this week. Hope it will help me get organized. Now I just need to get back to my Motivated Moms organizer. Don't know if that will ever happen! There are just not going to be enough hours in a day, especially if I am working on the website!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Last night I did a totally brilliant thing - I walked into a parked car - BLAM! Man, did that ever hurt! I am still sore today. It was pitch dark. I was trying to walk AROUND the car, but missed.
I think I've gotten most of the school work organized. I still need to plan some of K17's history and look through their science book to match lessons with the CD. (This is Apologia I'm talking about.)
I've been going to some new blogs this week - Mom21's and Momster. If you have a blog that you would like me to visit, just let me know.
Pain is no evil, unless it conquers us. - Charles Kingsley
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
This Week's Menu
Taco salad - lettuce, taco meat, tomatoes, tortilla chips, corn, black beans, cheese, sour cream, and picante sauce.
Pork Chops made with Shake and Bake like Mom used to make
Lasagne and salad
Chicken Stir Fry with Rice
Spaghetti if I still need an Italian fix
Thursday night is eating out, probably at Panera Bread for Caesar salads
Butter vs. Margarine ? I trust cows over scientists.
Order from France

Monday, August 13, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007

I Miss My Kids!

Italian Proverbs:
"Old wine and friends improve with age.”
"Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.”
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
My day
Then I proceeded to work, where there was a pile of book orders waiting to be filled, which I cannot pay for. I went ahead and ordered them, with the prayer that the companies will give me some slack and let me pay later.
Tonight was supposed to be baked chicken night, but found out that K17 has a job interview with MOPS at 6:30. If she gets the job, she will have to be at work every Friday from 8:00 to 12:00. Can everybody say "No sleep-in day after all!"
We watched the last disc of 24 Season Four last night. All in all, pretyy anti-climactic (sp?) compared to the other three seasons.
So now our new school schedule if K17 gets the job will be as follows:
Monday: 8:00 - 1:00 school work. Travel. 2:00 - 5:00 volleyball practice in Conroe
Tuesday: 8:00 - 10:30 school work. Travel. 11:00 to 12:00 Algebra class Eat and travel 1:00 to 3:00 Writing class Travel Late afternoon; volleyball Finish school work at the store or at night.
Wednesday: 8:00 to 10:30 school work Travel 11:00-1:00 clogging Travel and eat 1:45 to 3:00 Science class Finish school work at store. K14 to choir practice at 5:00
Thursday: 8:00-9:30 French class 35 minutes away Finish school work at store all day until music lessons around 4:00 ish Late afternoon: volleyball game (not sure what to do about music lessons at this time. Will deal with it when it comes up.)
Friday: 8:00-12:00 K17 work 35 minutes away. Finish school work the rest of the day
Saturday: moving Jenny Craig to Saturday. Still unsure about when to fit therapy in. She is booked solid right now.
The top 5 advantages to being home schooled.
5. Get to watch TV during recess. 4. Get to wear jammies all day. 3. No banging chalk dust from erasers. 2. Teacher constantly interrupted by telemarketers. And the number one advantage to being home schooled:
1. No toting heavy weaponry all the way to the public school.
LOL. This will not be us. I've decided to call ours "carschooling."
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Customer Funny but not so funny
Now, I guess I'm just a bit too picky, but to me, it matters which publisher I buy from. Each curriculum is different. I would never pick a curriculum for my kids simply by picking the one that was prettier or cheaper than the others. I guess advertisers know what they're doing when they design a curriculum for shelf appeal. Don't parents realize that this is their kids' education? And what an opportunity, to be able to find a curriculum for your child that fits like a glove! I can't tell you how many times I have escorted a customer to the Alpha Omega shelf, and they say, "I'll take it," without even looking inside the box. Sooooooooo sad.
I have over 50 tubs of consignment to price. Going one at a time. And I have even more than that ready to pay at the end of their consignment.
Have done really well not stepping on cracks and lines the past two day. Ankles and hips are hardly sore at all!
Daughters are at a girls' conference all day today, and R is helping me at the store. He's learning how to check in Bob Jones books and put them away. Our sale was a success and we are able to pay rent next week. Today has been slow at the store. Only a few sales. Glad I don't have to pay R for his help! LOL
Well, the lady just came in and didn't look at anything. She bought Alpha Omega without even opening it because she had heard the name of it from a friend. She said that the child failed 7th grade math, but she bought 8th grade math. I advised her against it, and so did her husband. I guess she wears the pants in the family. She said she wanted books on horses for a second grader, which I showed her. I said that when the child reaches about the 3rd grade reading level that I suggested the Marguerite Henry books. She said, "Well, she's an excellent reader. Let me see them." When I showed them to her, she said, "Yeah, they're too hard." Why wouldn't she listen to me?
Operator: Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. May I have your national ID number?
Customer: Hi, I'd like to place an order.
Operator: I must have your NIDN first, sir.
Customer: My National ID Number, yeah, hold on, eh, it's 6102049998-45-54610.
Operator: Thank you Mr. Smith. I see you live at 1742 Meadowland Drive, and the phone number is 494-2366. Your office number over at Lincoln Insurance is 745- 2302 and your cell number is 266-2566. Email address is Which number are you calling from? Customer: Huh? I'm at home. Where'd you get all this information?
Operator: We're wired into the HSS, sir.
Customer: The HSS, what is that?
Operator: We're wired into the Homeland Security System, sir. This will add only 15 seconds to your ordering time.
Customer: (sighs) Oh well, I'd like to order a couple of your All Meat Special pizzas.
Operator: I don't think that's a good idea, sir.
Customer: Whaddya mean?
Operator: Sir, your medical records and commode sensors indicate that you've got very high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol. Your National Health Care provider won't allow such an unhealthy choice .
Customer: What?!?! What do you recommend, then?
Operator: You might try our low-fat Soybean Pizza.I'm sure you'll like it.
Customer: What makes you think I'd like something like that?
Operator: Well, you checked out 'Gourmet Soybean Recipes' from your local library last week, sir. That's why I made the suggestion.
Customer: All right, all right. Give me two family-sized ones, then
Operator: That should be plenty for you, your wife and your four kids. Your 2 dogs can finish the crusts, sir. Your total is $49.99.
Customer: Lemme give you my credit card number.
Operator: I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid you'll have to pay in cash. Your credit card balance is over its limit.
Customer: I'll run over to the ATM and get some cash before your driver gets here.
Operator: That won't work either, sir. Your checking account is overdrawn also.
Customer: Never mind! Just send the pizzas. I'll have the cash ready. How long will it take? Operator: We're running a little behind, sir. It'll be about 45 minutes, sir. If you're in a hurry you might want to pick'em up while you're out getting the cash, but then, carrying pizzas on a motorcycle can be a little awkward.
Customer: Wait! How do you know I ride a scooter?
Operator: It says here you're in arrears on your car payments, so your car got repo'ed. But your Harley's paid for and you just filled the tank yesterday.
Customer: Well, I'll be a #%#^^&$%^$@#
Operator: I'd advise watching your language, sir. You've already got a July 4, 2003, conviction for cussing out a cop and another one I see here in September for contempt at your hearing for cussing at a judge. Oh yes, I see here that you just got out from a 90 day stay in the State Correctional Facility. Is this your first pizza since your return to society?
Customer: (speechless)
Operator: Will there be anything else, sir?
Customer: Yes, I have a coupon for a free 2 liter of Coke.
Operator: I'm sorry sir, but our ad's exclusionary clause prevents us from offering free soda to diabetics. The New Constitution our country started using in 2006 prohibits this. Thank you for calling Pizza Hut!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Terrific Thursday

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
What's Going On
Today both girls went to Bible study and then hung out at the mall with friends. It's the first time they've been "dropped off." Kind of scary for me, but you can't shelter them forever. They sure are growing up.
I am deeply saddened today that my friend, L, is putting her store up for sale. I had hoped and prayed that it would not come to that. I hope I don't follow her lead.
Two women meet at a playground, where their children are swinging and playing ball. The women are sitting on a bench watching. Eventually, they begin to talk.
W1: Hi. My name is Maggie. My kids are the three in red shirts --helps me keep track of them.
W2: (Smiles) I'm Patty. Mine are in the pink and yellow shirts. Do you come here a lot?
W1: Usually two or three times a week, after we go to the library.
W2: Wow! Where do you find the time?
W1: We homeschool, so we do it during the day most of the time.
W2: Some of my neighbors homeschool, but I send my kids to public school.
W1: How do you do it?
W2: It's not easy. I go to all the PTO meetings and work with the kids every day after school and stay real involved.
W1: But what about socialization? Aren't you worried about them being cooped up all day with kids their own ages, never getting the opportunity for natural relationships?
W2: Well, yes. But I work hard to balance that. They have some friends who're homeschooled, and we visit their grandparents almost every month.
W1: Sounds like you're a very dedicated mom. But don't you worry about all the opportunities they're missing out on? I mean they're so isolated from real life -- how will they know what the world is like -- what people do to make a living -- how to get along with all different kinds of people?
W2: Oh, we discussed that at PTO, and we started a fund to bring real people into the classrooms. Last month, we had a policeman and a doctor come in to talk to every class. And next month, we're having a woman from Japan and a man from Kenya come to speak.
W1: Oh, we met a man from Japan in the grocery store the other week, and he got to talking about his childhood in Tokyo. My kids were absolutely fascinated. We invited him to dinner and got to meet his wife and their three children.
W2: That's nice. Hmm. Maybe we should plan some Japanese food for the lunchroom on Multicultural Day.
W1: Maybe your Japanese guest could eat with the children.
W2: Oh, no. She's on a very tight schedule. She has two other schools to visit that day. It's a system wide thing we're doing.
W1: Oh, I'm sorry. Well, maybe you'll meet someone interesting in the grocery store sometime and you'll end up having them over for dinner.
W2: I don't think so. I never talk to people in the store --certainly not people who might not even speak my language. What if that Japanese man hadn't spoken English?
W1: To tell you the truth, I never had time to think about it. Before I even saw him, my six-year-old had asked him what he was going to do with all the oranges he was buying.
W2: Your child talks to strangers?
W1: I was right there with him. He knows that as long as he's with me, he can talk to anyone he wishes.
W2: But you're developing dangerous habits in him. My children never talk to strangers.
W1: Not even when they're with you?
W2: They're never with me, except at home after school. So you see why it's so important for them to understand that talking to strangers is a big no-no.
W1: Yes, I do. But if they were with you, they could get to meet interesting people and still be safe. They'd get a taste of the real world, in real settings. They'd also get a real feel for how to tell when a situation is dangerous or suspicious.
W2: They'll get that in the third and fifth grades in their health courses.
W1: Well, I can tell you're a very caring mom. Let me give you my number--if you ever want to talk, give me call. It was good to meet you.
Author Unknown
Friday, July 20, 2007
Fall Schedule
I am trying to have a good attitude today. It is sooo slow at the store again today. I think I have decided that stepping on lines/cracks and checking my phone should be okay with me and everybody else. If you don't like it, tough. It's me; it makes me unique.
Thought I would share the girls' fall school schedule with you. It's complicated.
Tuesday afternoons they have an essay writing class. Wednesday afternoons they have a science class. Thursday morning K14 (SHE TURNED 14 TODAY!!!!!!) has a French class. They have their music classes Thursday afternoon. I don't know if we're doing sewing this year, but K17 will start volleyball in August.
For schoolwork, here's what they will be doing:
Grammar - Easy Grammar, Daily Grams, Great Editing Adventure
Writing - writing class (one essay per week)
History - Beautiful Feet US & World History. They will also be doing daily timeline work using the books Under God and The History of US.
Math - their individual math programs
They read three chapters from their novel everyday
Geography - Trail Guide to World Geography (one country map per week)
K14 will also do Italics Handwriting.
K17 will continue with Driver's Ed
Vocabulary - K14-Vocabulary Cartoons; K17 - Wordsmart
Jeff FoxworthyI have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did.
Holidays are enticing only for the first week or so. After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do. ~Margaret Laurence
The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. ~Robert Maynard Hutchins
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My Assignment for the Day
A big chain opened a store in Houston, not too far from us, and had a big sale today. We have been sooooo slow lately (usually we are swamped this time of year), that we are going to have a sale of our own next Thursday - Back to School Spectacular to see if it will help us pay some bills that are piling up high.
No word from the website people today.
Here is an interesting article which I think sums up OCD pretty well in a short and simple manner. I have inserted where I fit into the spectrum.
What is OCD?
OCD is the fourth most common psychiatric diagnosis. The onset of symptoms is usually gradual, but some patients report a sudden onset. A few people recall a precipitating event, while others do not (me). Precipitating events can include emotional stress at work or at home (me), increased levels of responsibility(me), health problems and bereavement. Pregnancy, the birth of a child and termination of pregnancy may be linked to the onset or worsening of OCD symptoms.
The DSM-IV-R (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) states that "the essential features of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder are recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are severe enough to be time consuming (i.e., they take more than 1 hour a day) (me) or cause marked distress (me) or significant impairment. At some point during the course of the disorder, the person has recognized that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or unreasonable (me)." Adults usually realize their obsessions and compulsions are unreasonable or excessive, but children are not as likely to recognize this.
Obsessions are persistent images, impulses, thoughts or ideas that are experienced as inappropriate and intrusive, and cause marked anxiety(me). People with OCD have a sense that the thoughts are not within their control and not the kind of thoughts they would expect to have(me). We are able to understand that the obsessions are products of our own minds and are not imposed from without.
Trying to ignore the thoughts or impulses, or to neutralize them with other thoughts or actions, people develop compulsions (me). Compulsions are mental acts, such as repeating words silently(me), praying (me)or counting, or are repetitive behaviors such as ordering, checking (me)or hand washing. The goal is to reduce or prevent anxiety, not to provide gratification or pleasure. The person usually feels driven to perform the compulsion to prevent some dreaded situation or to reduce the distress accompanying an obsession (me). Compulsions are either not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent, or are clearly excessive.
Almost everyone worries, at times excessively. OCD is considered as a diagnosis if it interferes with one's life or causes distress. The worries of OCD are usually irrational. Ignoring them makes one feel anxious and nervous. Excessive worrying that is rational, but excessive, may be a symptom of depression. Many people are compulsive, but do not have OCD. They give careful attention to details and procedure. The compulsions of the people with OCD are useless, repetitive behaviors and are performed to dispel the anxiety that accompanies an obsession.
People with obsessive thoughts or compulsive rituals that are not distressing or particularly time-consuming may have subclinical OCD. They have OCD symptoms that are of concern, but are too mild to diagnose OCD. The same principles used to treat OCD may be helpful for subclinical OCD.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
On a nicer note, our website should be up and running SOON! As you know, we are five weeks behind schedule, and the guy says they are waaaay over budget. Hey, that's his problem. The good thing about coming up with a firm price at the beginning of this ordeal.
I had a nice, long chat last night with my friend R from Del Rio last night. She said something that totally surprised me. She said that I'm one of the bravest people she has ever met. R is not only a terrific friend but a GREAT counselor. I have learned soooooo much from her.
The girls are bored, bored, bored. I am ready for school to start so that we will have a schedule again. Although, I will miss sleeping in tremendously.
Hey, it's been a long time since I last posted. Just wanted to check in for a bit.
"I can't marry someone with OCD, because then he wouldn't be able to carry me over the threshold!"
How can you tell if there's an OCDer attending a Catholic church? ... There is soap near the Holy Water!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
A New Questionairre
My grandmother
DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING if I concentrate and am not in a hurryt
what's ur favorite lunch meat? turkey
What did you do today? Worked and watched T.V.
f you were a different person, who would you be?
One of my friends who shall be unnamed.
No Way, Jose!
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Grape Nuts with brown sugar
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM?mint chocolate chip>
That I have no will power.>
WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? my grandmother who lives in Florida
Blue pants, no shoes
Jenny Craig chocolate graham twists
FAVORITE SMELLS? incense, a clean baby, Mexican food being brought to the table
FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? Hockey and football
EYE COLOR? hazel
FAVORITE FOOD? Mexican food, Chinese special house fried rice
White with purple flowers
FAVORITE DESSERT? Cold chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, cheesecake
The Bible
My wireless mouse
WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON T. V. LAST NIGHT? Planet of the Apes (the original)
My kids laughing and getting along>
DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT?I can pop the theme from the Addams Family on my toes>>
I tag Kim in Tx
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
What was I Thinking
I don't what I was thinking: I committed to reading the Bible in 90 days, and I am about 8 days behind! I have been working diligently on the new websitel I categorized over 5,000 items INDIVIDUALLY this weekl Next, I have 6,000 more items to catergorize and find and download pictures and descriptions for. How did I ever think I could read the Bible 45 minutes a day and do all this. Also, K16 and I joined Jenny Craig on Friday. I am starting to get tired of salads already. But knowing that the weight will eventually come off is a huge motivation. My OCD was really bad two weeks ago but seems to be tapering off this week. I haven't done CBT in about three weeks.
Next time, a quiz. Bye for now!
It's not what you do once in a while, it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference.”
Jenny Craig
Thursday, May 03, 2007
A New Adventure
“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”
A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works. ~Bill Vaughan
I feel like I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe. ~Author Unknown
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I was not tagged
•How tall are you barefoot? 5'10"
• Have you ever flown first-class? no
One of your favorite books when you were a child? The Sun Shone Down on the Elephant
• A good restaurant in your city? Mel's
• What is your favorite small appliance? electric knife
• One person that never fails to make you laugh? my daughter K15
• What was the first music that you ever bought? Partridge Family (still have the album)
• Do you do push-ups? now way Jose!
• What was one of your favorite games as a child? Candy Land
• When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? a teacher
• Your favorite Soup of the Day? Brocolli Cheese or Tortilla
• Have you ever met someone famous? Vincent Price, Michael Knight from All My Children, Natalie Grant, Ginny Owens, Rachel Lampa, Jump Five, (I know Kenny Rogers' oldest sister; does that count?)
• Date Of Birth? the day after Valentines Day
• From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? unfortunately, ABC or NBC news (no cable or satellite here)
• Current worry? if my dds will be ready when they fly the nest
• Current hate? The only thing I hate is mornings.
• Favorite place to be? at home
• Least favorite place to be? in a doctor's office or hospital
• Do you consider yourself well organized? Yes, at work; no, at home.
• Do you believe in an afterlife? Heaven, of course!
• Where do you think you will be in 10 Yrs? Same home, same job, but I MIGHT be a grandmother!
• Do you burn or tan? tan
• Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future? pessimistic - I worry about everything!
• What did you fear was going to get you at night as a kid? I always saw bugs on my walls that weren't really there.
• What’s in your pockets right now? nothing
• Last thing that made you laugh? K13 was not supposed to talk for 14 hours because she has voice recital today, and she was having to write everything down.
• Worst injury you’ve ever had? I've had six broken fingers, but the first time, the finger was turned backwards!
• How many TVs do you own? two
• Best compliment received? That I am a good mother.
• What leaves you speechless? not much. I talk a lot!
• What is your favorite book? don't really have one (I know I should say the Bible)
• What were you doing at 12 midnight last night? sleeping
• Who do you tag? Kim in Tx! You're it!
A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday.
Erma Bombeck
A friend will tell you she saw your old boyfriend-and he's a priest.
Erma Bombeck