Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tribute to my Grandfather

Below is an excerpt from a tribute to my grandfather, written by his brother. I never met my grandfather because he died when he was 23 years old, when my mom, Carolyn, was eight months old. He was a lay minister in the Nazarene Church.

Yesterday, February 22nd, Elton would have been 85 years of age. It seems a long time since he, unexpectedly, went to be with the Lord at age 23.Elton was #7 in a family of 11 children – 4 girls and 7 boys. He was four years my senior, and the one in between us being a girl – was perhaps the reason for a special relationship which I enjoyed with him…

… Elton was permitted to bring home the cracked bats, which he taped (sometimes nailed) so as to make them usable. Thus, Elton taught his kid brothers something of the art of baseball. He also taught us to ride a bicycle, and years later taught me to drive a car. Yet, those matters are relatively unimportant in comparison to the main item which I want to relate here.

Later, as the depression really dug a very deep, and painful, financial hole for our family, Elton joined the CCCs, sending our mother a healthy five dollars a month, which would have been the equivalent of perhaps a hundred today. It bought the necessary food products which we would have otherwise been without. Our parents separated, which placed the responsibility of family support squarely on the shoulders of the remaining unmarried sons and one daughter. Every contribution was of tremendous importance.

While away “in the world”, Elton was introduced to alcoholic beverage which would never have been tolerated in our household. With considerable pain, I recall watching him sleep off the results of a night spent with the wrong people indulging in the things of the world. I had come to know the Lord, but possessed very little Bible knowledge. I did know the importance of Elton becoming a Christian, and prayed for that to occur in his life. Our eldest brother (Herbert) was the greatest spiritual influence in our lives, and he invited Elton to attend an evangelistic service at the ______ Rescue Mission where Evangelist Fred ______ was conducting a week of evangelistic meetings. On that occasion, the Lord transformed Elton into a child of God, and a tremendous witness concerning the saving grace of God.

A short time later, I slipped back into the things of the world, and it was Elton whom the Lord used to minister to my heart and need. With pleasant memories, I recall how he tenderly dealt with me concerning my need of surrendering my life to the Lord. May it also be noted that he wept as he shared his concern for my spiritual need.

Elton truly became a dedicated firebrand for the Lord Jesus Christ. In those days, street corner meetings were common, and he was observed publicly kneeling on the sidewalks leading men to acknowledge of the Savior. He also became much involved in the ministry of the local church, the congregation electing him as the director of the youth department, in which I would later become a participant.

But, I’m getting ahead of my story. Before becoming involved in the ministry of Victory Chapel, where Elton attended he came to me with the information that there was “a cute little blonde” in his church with whom I needed to get acquainted. Once more, he was a good influence in my life, as that “cute little blonde” has been my wife for nearly 60 years.

Having been licensed to preach, this dear brother was manifesting a wide and valuable Christian influence in the lives of numerous people. But, in mid-May of 1939, he was sent home from work with an acute abdominal pain which the company doctor, and our family doctor, misdiagnosed as inflammation of the lower bowel. During this time, he and his wife Helen and 8 month old daughter Carolyn Jean decided to make a temporary residence with us on ______ Avenue on the west side of the city. One Saturday evening, ere turning in for the night, I recall standing by Elton’s bedside for prayer. We had a sister who was yet in the world, and on that night was out amid a worldly crowd that had no interest in spiritual things. With vivid memory, I recall how I prayed. As I prayed for
Elton’s need, I also asked the Lord concerning Irene, say, “Lord, whatever it takes, bring her unto Yourself.” I had absolutely no conception as to what that “whatever” would eventually be.

On Monday, Elton was hospitalized, and ere the week was out, he was in the presence of the Lord. Three highly trained physicians had missed a case of appendicitis. It had ruptured, resulting in an abscess on the liver which quickly took his life. As I have later learned that as the Lord May grant physicians a valuable insight into our physical need, He may, at times, blind them to very simple things in order to accomplish His loving purpose.

Following the funeral sermon, some of us were seated in Herb’s automobile awaiting the procession to get underway, when Irene broke down in tears saying: “Oh, why couldn’t it have been me?” To which Herb quickly asked: “And just where would you be [sic] if it had been you?” There in the car, he tenderly pointed Irene to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. Although, at that moment, I did not realize that the Lord had provided the “whatever it takes” to bring Irene to Himself, He nevertheless had done so.

Elton’s brother-in-law and his wife accepted Christ as a result of the Lord’s dealing with them during this trial. And, so far as I know, one of their sons is in the ministry today.

This is discovered to be one of those things which is contained in Romans 11:33 – “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out.”

Eight months following Elton’s home going, a little boy was born. Helen named him Wayne. From the human standpoint, it is impossible for me to understand, and explain, why a wise and Omniscient God, in His wisdom and knowledge would so work, but in eternity I will not need to request an explanation. God was at work, and men were to stand in awe of His wisdom and judgment.

~sweet dreams~

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Yesterday's Photograph

Thanks to those who responded to yesterday's photograph question. The consensus is that it means that once someone goes to hell he finally "believes", but it is too late. I don't like that marquee because I think a lot of people will take it literally.

~more later. i am swamped.~

Monday, September 18, 2006


You'll be glad to know that there is no questionnaire tonight. I saw this sign at a denominational church today, and it bothered me. If there are no non-believers in hell, then does that mean that the non-believers go to Heaven? Please tell me what you think!

I regret that I was not able to find an acceptable (to me) quote regarding Heaven or Hell.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Ketchup, Anyone?

So I go into my bank this morning, and while I am waiting for my transaction to be processed, I notice bottles of Heinz Ketchup lined up along the counter, no signs telling me what they are for. I finally get up the nerve to ask, "Okay, I give up. What are all the ketchup bottles for?" The lady says, "So that you will take out a loan and 'ketchup' on your interest rates." Hmmmm, cute, I guess. For those of you who know my business, I am looking for a gimmick or slogan/ad campaign. Please get creative, but pleeaaase, nothing as corny as ketchup.
We have been open one hour and have raked in a whole $7.00. Looks like it's going to be a sloooow day, nickel and diming it all the way.

“There's an element of truth in every idea that lasts long enough to be called corny” - Anonymous

~have a nice day~

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Cutie Pie

Isn't this picture adorable? It made me smile at the end of a looooong day. My brain is fried from looking at the computer all day long. You know what I can't stand? When a customer comes up to the cash register with a whole stack of items, and then puts a huge stack aside and says, "Oh, I don't want these after all." What do I look like, a stocker? Besides, someone has already "stocked" the items once. How can someone change their mind so quickly, in the amount of time it takes to turn away from the shelf and move to the cash register, and with so many unwanted items? What is going on in her brain? Those items weren't pretty enough, aren't on the right level, cost too much, or they weren't durable enough or big enough. And what occurred to make her want the items five minutes ago, enough to take them off the shelves and cause disarray when items fell to the floor? What makes her think I want to spend the next 15 minutes restocking anyway.And what makes the insurance company calling me for the fifth time to sell me insurance think that I want to talk to them when I have refused their calls four times previously and have not once returned their call? I said two posts ago that I was done ranting. I guess I'm not. Well, at least I don't have to go up and down a ladder like my friend T. :o)

It's practically impossible to look at a penguin (or the above photograph - B) and feel angry.
~ Joe Moore

~may you be free of anger & frustration today~

Monday, September 11, 2006

Cool Shades!

This is a picture of my friend E after she had her eyes dilated. Dontcha just loves the glasses? She came in my house and was freaking out because she said she broke her cell phone. "See, look at it!" she wailed. I said, "There's nothing wrong with your cell phone!" She said, "Yes, there is! Look at all the cracks in the face of it!!!" She was almost in tears. Come to find out, the dilation of her eyes caused her to see cracks that were not there! When we figured it out, she yelled, "Praise the Lord!"
Thanks to all of you who listened to me rant last time. I am over it now. I didn't post your comments because some of them were very personal, and didn't want to share them publicly.

Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill. ~ Johnny Carson

~catch ya later~

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ranting and Raving Day

Oh, the woes of being a business owner. Today a customer called to tell me to "call off" her special order because she found the item somewhere else. It has already been ordered (not paid for because I trusted that she would pay for it when she picked it up), and I cannot send it back; so, basically, I am stuck with an item in my store that I may never sell. It is only worth about $12, but, hey, keep reading. This is happening too much.

Take last week: Someone I consider to be a friendly acquaintance ordered an item over the phone that costs approximately $70. My mom trusted that she would pay for it when she picked it up. The item came in, and the lady now says she got it somewhere else so no longer needs it. Now I am stuck with a $70-item that may or may not sell this year.

I am losing money being too nice. Is that possible, being too nice? Here is another instance where I feel taken this week. I delivered some items to a location about 30 minutes from here. I unloaded the items on a table and asked if I could leave. The person in charge said "yes." In the ensuing minutes, several items were stolen from the table, and now the company is refusing to pay me full purchase price for the items. They only want to pay half. The items are worth about $100 retail, so I am out between $30 and $60 just because I was nice and delivered these items at no charge. I have proof that the items were on the table, and they agree that I have proof - they're not questioning my delivery at all. They just say that they cannot eat the total cost. An analogy of this situation would be if UPS delivered a box to your home; the UPS man placed it inside your front door in the foyer, and a burglar came into your house ten minutes later and stole the box. Now, would you charge UPS for the missing box? Of course not! The theft happened on your property, not in the UPS truck!
I told the company that if they will not reimburse me the total amount, that I will no longer make deliveries to them; they will have to pick up their own merchandise from now on. Was that fair?

I bend over backwards for my customers, and especially for those who I consider "friends." Changing my policies to include my "friends" always seems to offend someone. But this is a business, and I will eventually (hopefully) have to feed my family off of it in the years to come. My policies will have to apply to EVERYONE from now on. No more favors!
(Disclaimer: Ha ha. There are those of you who read this blog whom these rules just cannot apply to! **wink** **wink*** You know who you are. I can't stand making you pay for someone else taking me for granted. I KNOW you never would!)Thanks for letting me rant and rave today!

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. ~ Mark Twain
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. - Sir Winston Churchill
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.- Napoleon Bonaparte
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.- Thomas Alva Edison
It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.- Oscar Wilde

~always tryin' to do the right thing here~

Thursday, September 07, 2006

UPS Man X 4

Why do I look so overwhelmed? Four -- count 'em -- four UPS trucks pulled up in front of our store today and started unloading!

Turns out they were just transferring cargo, and they didn't bring us one thing! Hmph!

I want to congratulate T on winning a laptop! That is totally kewl!!! I want Kim in Tx to know that I am praying for her radiation treatments. I am so sorry that she is having to go through so much, but I know that God will be glorified in the end! I also want to thank B, who happens to share my name, for the delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies she brought to share her last day of work! They were GREAT!

On a Plumber's truck:"We repair what your husband fixed."
On a Plumber's truck: "Don't sleep with a drip. Call your Plumber.." -

~come back soon!~

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Only in America

I don't have a creative thought in my head today.

Only in people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke.
Only in banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.
Only in we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
Only in we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
Only in we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.
Only in they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
EVER WONDER .....Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?
Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?
Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
