Monday, October 30, 2006


We used to get doodlebugs, or what some call "roly polys", in our den. Now we are being invaded by centipedes. Relax, they're not the poisonous kind. If you are a centipede entering our home, your fate is determined by who finds you. If you are found by a cat, you are pawed to death. If you are found by our dog, she rolls over and over on you until you are flat. If you are found by my husband, you will be sprayed to death or sucked through the vacuum cleaner. If you are one of the lucky ones, however, you'll be found by me. I will put you on a piece of paper and let you free in the flower beds. I can't kill anything.

Friday night, me, R and my friend, R, took the girls to Ulta to look at makeup and then to a trip to the mall. It was a lot of fun. K16 bought a new sweater and a shirt at Old Navy. K13 bought some makeup, a hairclip, and some cool socks. We ate at the food court. It was a nice evening out. Tonight the girls go help set up for the fall festival, which is tomorrow. K13 is going to tape Smarties candies all over her jeans and go as a "smarty pants." I doubt K16 and I will dress up. I am helping run the fishing booth.Tonight R and I will have a nice dinner together and watch Wife Swap while the girls are setting up. Can't wait! Ah, it takes so little to make me happy these days!

The weather is beautiful today. Too bad I have ANOTHER doctor's appointment!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween or Happy Fall or whatever it is your family celebrates! I don't care what anyone says, if you have a fall festival on October 31st, you are still celebrating Halloween. What you are doing is turning something negative into something positive. What's wrong with that? It's an alternative. We have never celebrated with anything scary. We used to carve a Jack O Lantern every year and roast the seeds. Just haven't felt up to it the past two years.

A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween. ~Erma Bombeck
I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween. ~Author Unknown

~be safe~

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I did it! I deleted all 382 unread emails and 488 bulk emails from my box!!!! I even deleted previously read emails from last year! You don't know what a stress reliever this has been for me. Everyday I have dreaded going into my inbox to be faced a new total of unread emails. Woohoo!! I'm thinking about giving my dh the job of sorting through my emails from now on and weeding out the advertisements and junk that I just don't have the time for!

You have freedom when you're easy in your harness. ~Robert Frost

~bye 4 now~

Confrontation Day

Well, today we had our first confrontation between teachers. I am soooo glad I wasn't there. One teacher was being loud (joking with the students); the other teacher next door was in the middle of a tutoring session and asked him to be more quiet. From what I understand, it got a little tense. Well, the gloves are off now, and everything worked out. We'll see how next Tuesday goes.

For those interested, I finished my testing yesterday. So glad to have it done! We're ordering Chinese for lunch! Tonight is Bible study. We are starting the book of Ephesians.

There's two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works. -- Will Rogers

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy B-Day, Dusti!

Dusti celebrated her first birthday on Wednesday, October 18th! She's lucky she made it to one year old. The morning of her birthday, the first thing she did was get too excited and pee in our bed! I knew I needed to wash my sheets; I didn't need a reminder!! We bought her a stuffed baby that looks just like her. She proudly carries "Baby" around the house and chews on its butt to make it squeak. The above doggies are made of flowers. Thought you'd get a kick out of that.

Saturday Post

I know that my blog has been completely boring for the past few months. Just nothing to say. Still trying to get adjusted to my new medications.

Mark Kistler, who is a famous artist (was on PBS years ago), is giving drawing lessons at our store. He has sent out over 20,000 flyers with our name on them! He is giving two workshops today. R even broke down a dividing wall between two classrooms to give him space for more students!

While K13 is at the Revolve tour, we decided to do something fun with K16, so last night we went to the drive-in movie. We saw Everyone's Hero, which was directed by Christopher and Dana Reeve. I spent the entire movie trying to figure out who was playing the talking baseball. (It was Rob Reiner.) Whoopi Goldberg was in it, as were Dana Reeve and William H. Macy. We also saw Flicka. I liked Flicka a lot but did not care for the defiant behaviour in the storyline. The horses were beautiful! Guess you can't have it all. Tim McGraw did a good job as the father. Not bad, $5 a person for two movies; but, alas, they always get you at the concession stand. Actually, the food there is decent and less expensive than regular movie theaters. $3.50 for a huge stack of nachos with chili and cheese.

Trivia: The word "Flicka" is a Swedish word for a girl.

~have a great weekend!~

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Droodle Day #8

The title of today's Droodle is "Used All Day Sucker." If this is confusing, don't worry as there is another perfectly valid answer. If you turn the page sideways, it becomes "Postcard, Side View."

With the help of my wonderful two daughters and husband, our house has managed to stay relatively straight for over a week. Yippee!!! So any of you who'd like to "drop by" can now do that without causing embarrassment. I can even assure you that I will have an ice, cold Diet Dr. Pepper waiting for you in the fridge.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ode to a White Duck

Ode to a White Duck

You always made me laugh and smile when you waddled in front of my van.
I watched you lead your little ones across the street.
How could anyone hit you with their car; you traveled less than a mile an hour.
Sometimes I would be irritated by you because you acted like you owned the road and deserved the right-of-way.
I laughed at your goose friend who honked at me and tried to chase my van.
Ducks are funny creatures, and I am sorry that your life was ended in such a violent way.
Isn’t it stupid that tears come to my eyes reflecting on your untimely demise?
Now there is one less goofy bird cussing me on my way to work.

Howard T. Duck: Every duck has his limit, and you scum have pushed me over the line!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Even the guy who works for Kroger knows - it's more fun to shop at Klein's!

I found a new use for the seat warmer in our van - I used it to keep my kolaches warm this morning until I got to my destination.

Today I have become a bit nostalgic about the internet. I remember the first night I ever went "online." I got a free disc from AOL. Didn't know how the AOL files would screw up my computer. I remember pushing "start" and all of these wonderful icons came up on my desktop. I remember saying to myself, "Am I really on?" I had no way to tell. I was clicking on everything to see if it would connect me to another "real" person. I clicked on "shopping", "people", "chat", anything to prove to myself that I was actually on THE World Wide Web. I started out as mom42girls. Once, it wouldn't take it anymore, so I changed it to mom42terrificgirls, and it stuck. I went to chat rooms for teachers, pet lovers, collectors, TV trivia, and Christians, anything to connect. I subjected myself to some pretty vile and ruthless people. But I was happy. I didn't know about the huge internet world that was out there. To me, the internet was so small. Now I know how careful one must be on the internet.There are some real kooks out there. But I met my friend, T, and that was one of the best things that ever happened to me on the internet.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Person of the week, month, or year #6

We have been blessed with S working for us in our store! She has been helping us for over one year. She's 17 years old and is a senior this year! S is self-motivated and industrious. She greets every customer that comes in with a big smile and asks if they need any help. She has also been a great mentor to both of my girls. Thank you, S, for being such a wonderful, young lady!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Haunted Houses and other scary stuff

Around this time of year, I am reminded of one of my pet peeves. Not a peeve, actually. Something that REALLY chaps me. Scary things. Take haunted houses, for instance. All around town there are advertisements for scary haunted houses. There is even one being held at the Children’s Museum in Houston! Why do people think that these are a good thing for children? I remember going to a haunted house when I was a little girl. I got separated from my parents. I was petrified. It probably wasn’t all that scary to older children, but I still remember the grape “eyeballs” and spaghetti “brains.”

And movies. Why do people think that it is okay for young children to watch Chucky and Nightmare on Elm Street. I taught first grade years ago, and while my students had no clue who the U.S. Vice President was, they all knew who “Freddy” was! I say let the child decide what is or is not scary to them. I was petrified of the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and still cannot watch a particular scene in that movie as an adult. My youngest cannot watch the Star Wars movies or E.T. While none of these may seem “scary” to an adult, there is something about Darth Vader and ET that strike a nerve with her, no matter how much she may want to watch them. So, parents, please be cautious about what you expose your young children to. When they mature, they will be ready. They won’t be watching Winnie the Pooh and Winn-Dixie forever. Savor this time.

My friend T’s peeve about overly-cautious drivers leads me to respond. Do you know what I can’t stand? People who have to come to a complete stop before making a right-hand turn into a parking lot or driveway. And when you’re waiting to turn right and someone’s coming toward you and they finally put on their blinker right before they turn. Ugh! I hate that.

On a brighter note, my new radio station has started playing some serious Peter Frampton. I am elated!!!! Now, I long for Bobby Sherman and Julie Julie Julie Do You Love Me and the theme from Here Come the Brides!

Molly Jensen: I love you.
Sam Wheat: Ditto.

Oda Mae Brown: Why don't you go haunt a house? Rattle some chains or something.

Oda Mae just gave a four-million-dollar check to some nuns] Sam Wheat: I'm proud of you, Oda Mae! Oda Mae Brown: You know something, Sam? I don't care if you're proud of me. You just stay away from me from now on. What is that nun going to do with it? She can't even buy underwear.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Droodle Day #7

Today's Droodle is titled "Fat Man Smoking Pipe in Soft Bed."

I can post pictures again - yea!!!!

"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one." -- Leo J. Burke

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Today is one of my impatient days. Have you ever had a customer that obviously does not "belong" in your store? You wonder why they ever walked in the door? This is the person who walks up and down every aisle, looking for absolutely nothing, and looking so misplaced. This week I have had people come in and ask if I sell crepe paper for decorating at parties and/or greeting cards. HELLO! I am a BOOKstore. Although I suppose I do carry some off-the-wall items like iron fillings, hand pointers, and Sea Monkeys. Want to know where the Resale area of my store is? Read the large black & white sign dangling from the ceiling overhead that I had made especially for that area. Don't like that I'm closed on Sunday and Monday? Come shop the other five days of the week because I need a day of rest and a day for field trips and doctors appointments.

On the other hand, I love most of my customers like they were family. So many have supported me for so long and are very appreciative that we're in business. BUT to the lady who is still in my store walking around with one package of tissue paper after five o'clock (my closing time), hint, hint, hint, "I'd like to go home now!"

~thank you~

Good Music

As of yesterday, I can no longer upload pictures to Blogger from my laptop. All I get is the dreaded red "X". Anyone know why that would be? Have deleted temporary internet files, cookies, and rebooted twice.

Today is so boring. I have to do my least favorite job - run reports. It takes me all day, and I have to do the same thing over and over again - not very challenging.

I have 262 unread e-mails in my box and 356 in my bulk box. Think I'll just wipe them all out in one swoop and start over.

We got a new radio station in town that plays oldies from the '60s and '70s, bands like the Eagles and Bread. My one complaint is they play too much Beatles and ZZ Top. Now all I need is to find a station that will play late '60s, like the Cowsills and early '70s, like the Osmonds, Jackson Five, and Defrancos. Then I would be in Heaven!!!!!!

And the night shall be filled with music,And the cares that infest the dayShall fold their tents like the ArabsAnd as silently steal away.~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Day Is Done

~have a great weekend!~

Friday, October 06, 2006

Droodle Day #6

Today's Droodle is titled "Man In Tuxedo Who Stood Too Close To The Front of An Elevator."

Thursday, October 05, 2006


In honor of my friend, K, who loves Chicago, here are some interesting facts about Illinois that I learned today.

Abraham Lincoln christened the city named after him with watermelon juice and provided watermelon to those in attendance.

The Chicago River is known as the river that flows backward.

Illinois has the largest concentration of transportation facilities in the world.

Chicago is home to the world’s first skyscraper. Three of the world’s five tallest buildings help make Chicago one of the world’s most beautiful skylines.

The Plasa Bird, one of the world’s most mysterious prehistoric remains, is painted high on a bluff near Alton.

Illinois is a principal center of printing and often leads the nation in production of foodstuffs, especially soybeans and corn.

See, the teacher learns as much as the students!


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Get Well, R!

This is a rose for my friend, R, who has now been in the hospital 14 days! We are all ready for her to go home! The other night she was on so much medication that she called the nurse in to get a diaper for her stuffed Snoopy dog and got upset when the nurse refused! We love you,R! Get well soon!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Remember the $70 item that someone ordered and then didn't buy? I sold it on Friday! Yea!!!!!

When moving into our new store we upgraded in more ways than just 12,000 square feet. Below are some of the upgrades:

30 + SIGNS
