It is a cold and rainy Saturday. I don't expect many customers -may close at noon.
Had breakfast at Denny's this a.m. with Kim and Shannon. Shannon is an online buddy I have never met IRL. She was very sweet, and they both came to the store to do some shopping! I do have one older couple right now shopping for preschool items.
KSBJ is playing Christmas music this morning, and it is upsetting me. I may need to switch the station. If it is only November and I am feeling like this, I don't even want to know what December will be like.
K17 went and saw Enchanted last night. She is going to take K14 and a friend to see it today.
I read a 350 page book in less than 24 hours. It was nice to do that. I hardly ever read anymore. I had forgotten how much I missed getting into a good story.
I am going to try to go back to church tomorrow. Hopefully, I will. Tomorrow, the Texans play so I will be watching and writing lesson plans for the week. Maybe do some grocery shopping, too. I wish the holidays would last another week.
Dusti went with us to Mom and Dad's. She did very well except for during the meal. She sat on the floor next to my mom and whined the entire time, wanting food, of course. She doesn't do that at our house because she knows we won't give her any. But my mom is a sucker for a cute face and has passed her food in the past from the table. This year Mom made Dusti wait until after the meal and put the scraps in her food bowl.
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