Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy December!

I've never seen an upside down Christmas tree IRL, but I would think it would be difficult to water if it is real.
If I hear Hillary Clinton say "Extraordinary" one more time, I'm gonna barf.
It's 10:45, and so far I've had one customer requesting Daisy petals, which we can't sell and one whistling man who talks outloud to himself. The icicle lights around the kiosk keep going out, so they just look stupid. I have reports to do and over 600 emails to send out. It's going to be one of those days.
Yesterday the girls and I went to Garden Ridge and purchased presents for their teachers. All of their Christmas items were on sale. We also got a special gift for a family member who shall remain nameless. We left Garden Ridge and dropped K17 off at the movies (her 3rd time to see Enchanted). K14 and I proceeded to Barnes and Noble for some book shopping. She got a Pop Star magazine. We then proceeded to the mall to meet R. We had mainly gone to buy R's family some gifts, but K14 found a sweater and cami on sale at Aripostle. We then went to the food court for a bite to eat. Picked up K17 from the movies and that was our Friday night in a nutshell.
Am currently reading a Harry Bosch novel called Angel Flight. I need to get started on that homework!!!!!
We are starting a major advertising campaign RIGHT NOW! We will run a newspaper ad once a month. We are purchasing a sign at the local high school and possibly at the Little League field. My friend D is going to start going to the Chamber of Commerce luncheons to network. Also, she is going to visit some preschools and nursing homes, offering them a chance to set up an account with us. We're going to try to be more active in the community next year, including having a float in the Holiday Parade.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. -- Luke 2:11

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