With all the talk about Dumbledore being gay, I'm beginning to wonder what is the big deal? I mean, gay people exist; my kids know they exist. Jesus loves them just as much as he loves you and me. As long as it wasn't referenced in the books, I don't see much to worry about. Guess I'm getting to be more liberal than I thought. Now, the fan fiction, that could be a problem. But who of us reading this blog allow our children to read fan fiction anyway? J.K. Rowling is just trying to draw attention back to her books so those who haven't will go out and buy the books and look for the nuances in them. More money for her, which is her right, I suppose.
I got the go ahead from the web people to upload all 11,000 items to the website as soon as I am ready, pictures, descriptions, or not. This will probably entail about three weeks of work for me, I am guessing.
Tonight R and I are going to dinner at the Vietnamese restaurant with some friends. K17 is going to youth group; K14 is staying home to rest from the party she held last night.
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