Well, hello everyone. I have had several people ask where I am. Hmmm, why don't you comment on my blog? LOL I am guilty of that, as well. What's new around here? We closed the store on July 31st. There were a few tears, but not many. Since then I have not done much to be proud of. Resting a lot more than I should. I need to go back and have my thyroid checked - I'm a few weeks overdue. I really think if we could get that regulated I would have more energy. I have reorganized the school room. Each girl has their own shelf that houses their current school books, and there are many! Went through the supply shelf and chunked old pens, etc. Am currently separating personal books to sell on the internet. We have stacks of boxes and tubs in our "activity room" that came from the store. We have several boxes and rolling bins full of software that we have no idea where we are going to store. I never thought I would say this but "we are out of room." LOL I also brought some kitchen items home from my grandmothers that I don't want to part with but have little space for, even in a large kitchen. We found a bag of about 15 tiny stuffed bears that no one claims. Who left them at our house and why? I understand leaving beach towels and glasses here, but a bag of bears????
The girls have school Tuesdays and Thursdays and Monday a.m. from 9-10. K15 is working at the tea room Mon, Wed. and Sat. Her boss is very strict but fair. K14 is having a bit of trouble with the strict part. K18 works at Chick Fil A Mondays and Fridays and at the tea room on Wednesdays. I like having her home at night now.
We had a very nice time at the H's yesterday. Their new home is lovely. The girls were the first to swim in their new pool! It was especially great to see J there and hold her beautiful babies that she is trying to adopt. I am so impressed with her maternal skills at such a young age. How she gets them in and out of the car is still a mystery to me. I had enough trouble when mine were three years apart! Hers are three months apart! J is not going to London this week! Bible study starts back up next week but we are now called a "Life Group." Huh? We will be studying Luke this fall.
I am still job hunting. Got several rejection e-mails today but we are okay for now.
We have been hanging out by the fireplace lately watching a tiny screen because our cable is out in our den AGAIN! AND our phone voice mail stopped working AGAIN! I am so tired of Comcast! I don't call because we are not home long enough for the repairman to come.
This weekend we will probably go out to storage and measure and take more pictures as it seems all that info has been erased. Then I guess it's back to Craigslist for us. Would love to downsize the storage room soon!
Kim, I just want to say that you are missed at Teaching Mom! Where are you? I am sorry that I did not get back to you about the IEW. Your email got buried, and by the time I found it (last week) I assumed you had gotten it somewhere else. I am SURE, knowing you, that you have started it by now. I just pray that you did not pay full price for it. I would feel really bad about that. B-mail me, and I'll give you my phone number in case something like that happens again. I think we exchanged phone numbers before a storm once, but maybe you don't have mine anymore. I miss seeing you at the store. Maybe we could do lunch? I read your family blog quite often, as your personal one has not been updated in awhile. PRAISE GOD!
We did really well at the grocery store on Saturday even though I didn't bring a list. Just a little over $100 and that included a People magazine. Did have to go back today for cereal and juice. We have been eating much better since the store has closed (Mom, you would be proud.) You know I don't fry anything! We haven't been to a restaurant as a family in weeks. Maybe we will do that Friday night before NHSC parent meeting.
Want to wish my friend E a happy birthday. I won't announce your age here, but let's just say that you will always been waaaay older than me!
I will try to write more often. Minkydo, hope you're still reading. Thanks for all of your supportive advice at TM! I will update there as soon as I have more info.
Hey, I just figured out that if I add an image, my double space works. Ha ha!
Goodnite, all.
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