Monday, May 22, 2006

Near Death Experiences

So.... immediately before I fell down the stairs yesterday morning, I thought to myself, "I'm gonna miss that step." And I did. BOOM! And immediately before I hit my head on the last step from the bottom, I thought to myself, "I'm gonna hit my head on a step." And I did. POW!

A friend said to me, "B, a person can die that way!"

Now, my question is, why did my body not work fast enough to catch up with my brain? I knew I was going to miss that step. Why did my foot insist on stepping in that direction anyway? The brain (and body) work in ways only God understands. Which is what I would like to talk about today.

As some of you know, I almost drowned when I was seven years old, and I had what I can only call a near death experience. Many people do not believe they exist, but those of us who have had one will tell you you are incorrect. Some people see their past, smell smells, taste tastes, and hear sounds of the past (this was my experience). Some people see a "white light." Some scientists try to explain NDE's by saying that there is no God, that this is your brain's way of shutting down at the end of life. Some Christians say this is the Lord's way of showing you a life review. Hmmm.... some people say they see "nothing." Does that mean they had no life or just no brains at all to begin with?

Why can't it be both ways? Why can't the Lord's way of showing you your life review or a "white light" be by shutting the electrodes in your brain down one by one, thus, creating a "filmstrip" frame-by-frame of all of your life's experiences? And those people who saw "nothing"? Maybe they don't need to be shown their life review. Maybe they've already made a decision about God; or, more accurately, maybe God has already made up his mind about them.

Remember, I was seven years old when this happened. I had no preconceived notions of what an NDE was. Some of what you read as Karla's NDE in my novel come from my own experience.

Anyway, if you believe that I'm nuts or making it up, sorry, it happened, and I believe it. It reinforced to me that God is definitely there, and he knows everything we do, say, smell, touch, taste, and hear. He is ominpotent and omnipresent. While some of the experience definitely was not pleasant, it made me fear death less.

Have you invited Christ into your life? Will you be shown a life review, or will you watch a blank slide show when you die? Just my 2 cents about NDE's.

The trouble with quotes about death is that 99.999 percent of them are made by people who are still alive. - Joshua Bruns

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