Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Loot
a statue called "Mother and Child"
a DVD player
a pair of heart earrings
a manicure
a Sugarland CD
a DVD of French Kiss, Never Been Kissed, and One Fine Day
a Sonic card for $20
a pizza pan
a cookie sheet
a PURPLE coat
a Kohl's card
I raked it in, didn't I?
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Cold Turkey

I was going to close the store today at 1:00 o'clock due to lack of customers, but now there is a lady in here buying tons of toys and games for her grandchildren! Good thing I stayed here! If I leave early, I am going to Burlington Coat Factory to look for a coat.
Ha ha! A couple just came in looking for carbon paper! I didn't even know they made that stuff anymore! Guess I'll stick around here a while longer to see if any more customers show up.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
10 More Days Until Christmas

Thursday night the family went to a barn dance. I had hurt my back so I couldn't dance, but R danced with each of the girls. They danced with their friends and (GASP)
Our pool pump went out and R is at home fixing it. It is slow here today at the store; I guess everyone is out Christmas shopping. I still have several gifts to get. Our tree isn't even up yet. Next week will probably do limited school and shop and wrap.
I feel like there are ghosts here today at the store. The doors keep opening by themselves (with the wind's help) and I keep hearing noises all over the place.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Thoughts about the store
You know, I don't really believe that God gave us all of this to "take it away." I believe that we all have seasons of our lives, and the season for us to own this business may be about to pass. That doesn't mean that our next season will not be rich with blessings. The business has TRULY been a blessing to our family. It has allowed my kids to see their grandparents at least once a week. It has brought our family closer together, although there are times it keeps us apart and distracted. It has allowed me to be with our wonderful daughters daily and homeschool them to boot! It has allowed me to meet some of the neatest people in the world and to call many of them my true friends. It has taught the girls how to work hard, how to treat people nicely, even when we don't feel like being nice. A good work ethic is very important. It has introduced me to some awesome curriculums for my daughters, some that actually do the job. It has paid for my daughters' outside classes. It has given me the privilege of employing some of the best employees by far. It has taught me how to multi-task, given me a stiff upper lip (although I could use a little more backbone). It has allowed me to express my creativity, my interests, upgrade my people skills, my research skills, my computer skills. So, you see, it was not for nothing. Whether the store lives or dies, I have come out of it a better person. I am not a failure. I am a survivor, and I will survive the next season of my life, as well.
Many of you have asked how you can pray for us. Pray that the website will take off if it is meant to be, pray that we will be open to hear what is truly God's direction in our lives. Worse case scenario is that I will have to go back to work full-time. If it is meant to be, we will work through it. God brought me into this business kicking and screaming. Pray that I don't leave it the same way, that I will be at peace with his decision.
I have not cried yet because I know that there is hope, that we have not tried everything we can do. If it gets down to that, I probably will. But like they say in The Sound of Music, "When God closes a door, he always opens a window."
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us."
"I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well."
The Golden Compass
Last night was spent watching the end of the Monk marathon, watching Santa Claus is Coming to Town, new holiday episodes of Monk and Psych.
Tonight R and I are going to the Christmas party for our Bible study class. We're taking a chocolate chip cheeseball and buffalo wings. I don't know what the girls are going to do. K17 is at work right now; K14 is at a service project for the Salvation Army.
The store has been super slow today, despite our sale. My friend R is going to stop by the store, so that should liven things up.
Y'all have a blessed day!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Christmas is Coming!

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Happy December!