Thursday, August 31, 2006

And now it's time for -

- you guessed it - another questionnaire!

1) Who is the last person you high-fived? K16 in the front seat of the van.
2) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive? Doubt it.
3) Do you sleep with the TV on? NO
4) Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? Nope
5) Have you ever won a spelling bee? No, I was knocked out on the word “moat” in sixth grade.
6) Have you ever been stung? Stepped on a bee once and stung on the arm by a wasp.
7) How fast can you type? Around 90 words per minute if my nails are short.
8) Are you afraid of the dark? Love the dark. Don’t like nightlights.
9)What is your eye color? Hazel
11) Do you ever wear the same clothes twice without washing them? Yes, if I have stayed home and done nothing.
13) Are you drinking anything right now? A Crystal Light “On the Go”
14) Favorite animal as a kid? Monkeys

15) Can you hoola hoop? YES, but only about four hulas.
17) What do you want for Christmas? An MP3 player. Everyone else in the family has one; why shouldn’t I?

18) Favorite cereal: Grape Nuts with brown sugar added.

19) Do you talk in your sleep? I don’t know; you’d have to ask R.
21) Have you ever flown a kite? Of course. We used to attach ours to the fishing line of Dad’s fishing pole. Easier to bring it in.

23) How many people are on your contact list of your cell? Around 80

24) Have you ever asked for a pony? No.

25) Plans for tomorrow? Finish school for the week, work, maybe rest some.

26) Can you juggle? Only thing I can juggle is my time.

28) How are you feeling today? Not well. Must be allergies.
29) Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? No, but I went to detention once for mimicking the principal.
30) What are you looking forward to? LABOR DAY and the end of the busy season.

31) Have you ever crawled through a window? Not that I can remember. Have crawled under many bathroom stalls in my lifetime, though.
32) Have you ever eaten dog food? NO WAY

33) Movie you can quote line for line? My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Apollo 13, Moonstruck, every Star Wars movie, and more.

34) Favorite fast food breakfast? Scrambled eggs

35) What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? Diet Dr. Pepper, eggs, juice.
36) Any cool scars? Nah, just ugly ones.

38) What do you do when no one is watching??? Not sure how to answer that one.
39) Do you like dancing? yes
40) Who did you last talk to on the phone? R called to tell me he was on his way home from work.

41) Where was the last place you ate? The Nook for lunch
42) What is the last movie watched? Pleasantville

43) What song did you hear last? Cha Cha Slide.

44) How many emails do you get a day? Around 20 personal. About 40 business.

I tag Kim in Tx, T, and Txartcgal.

~so long~

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