Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday Musings

Woke up this morning to 44 messages in my spam folder, all from a Stew Trueblood. What a waste of space. R and I will celebrate out 17th wedding anniversary this weekend. Wow! 17 years! K15 and K12 spent all day at church getting their rooms ready for Vacation Bible School. It is the biggest community outreach our church does! I pray that lots of children are saved this week and that their parents come to know Jesus, as well.

Yesterday was a blessing. I was telling a friend who shares my name about how K15’s Irlens was completely cured a couple of years ago. About 70% of all dyslexic people also have Irlens. For more information about Irlens, go to Anyway, she was oohing and aahing about the story. Less than an hour later a woman came in to the store who said she was looking for colored overlays to help her keep the words still (that is a symptom of Irlens) and, also, that she has mild dyslexia. My friend started telling her about K15’s experience and she walked away smiling and hopeful, with a phone number and website addresses in her hand! I absolutely love our store helping people!!!!

Thanks to my friend, T, my kids are getting to attend a Texas history class on Mondays in June. T is picking them up and bringing them home, as it is far away from here. I have been pretty lax with Texas history, so this was a real blessing to us. This way, I get to work in the early afternoon while they are in class. They have lots of homework, but at least they will be kept very busy during the week. We have been doing lots of research this past year using thesauruses, atlases, almanacs, and encyclopedias, so they are well-equipped on how to look up information for this class.

Finally, I am considering starting a consulting “service” for customers, especially for moms of special needs kids or working mothers. This would not be a curriculum consulting service, more like how to schedule your child’s day, how to make the curriculum she chose work for her and her kids. I never realized how many moms don’t feel organized enough to fit homeschooling into their lifestyle. I did do a seminar years ago about juggling your time, wearing different hats, so possibly I could weave some of those tips in. Let me know if you think this is a good idea or not by emailing, bmailing me, or posting a comment. Are you an organized person? Would a service like this help you, especially if there were follow-up sessions to see how you’re doing and to tweak the program?

" Teaching does not make learning --- organized education operates on the assumption that children learn only when and only what and only because we teach them. This is not true. It is very close to 100% false. Learners make learning. "-- Education Reformer John Holt

" I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays and have things arranged for them that they seem so forlornly unable to produce their own ideas. "--Agatha Christie

~all for now~

1 comment:

~T said...

HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!