Thursday, June 29, 2006

Questionnaire or Questionairre?

I absolutely CANNOT remember how to spell that word and am in too much of a hurry to look the thing up today! Here's another one of "those" for my friends who love to answer questions. Enjoy!

1.What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?
Not again.

2.The last person you talked to?
My kids.

3.If you wrote a book about your life, what title(s) would it have?
Reverse Skate, although the real Reverse Skate is not about me.

4.And if someone made a movie out of it, who should play your part?

Oh, please! Someone beautiful, I hope! Okay, get real… Stockard Channing.

5.Is there a movie you feel close to?


6.A movie that makes you cry everytime you see it?

7.A movie that makes you laugh everytime you see it?
9 to 5. I absolutely love the hospital corridor/corpse scene.

8.Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts?
Sandra Bullock

9.If you could go back in time TWICE, where would it be?
My wedding, the births of my girls. Oops! That’s three!

10.Can death seem like a dream?

No, it’s very real. BUT you live forever if you’ve accepted Jesus!

11.Is a thought a hard thing to control?
Okay, now that is a VERY stupid question to ask someone with OCD!

12.Is there life after love?
Of course.

13.What is your favourite song at the moment?
Any song from Grease. The Christian song about “You are my strong tower.” Don’t know the name of it.

14.What is your lucky number?


15.Do you have a middlename?
Yes, but I changed it to my maiden name, much to my mother's dismay.

16.Do you bite your fingernails?
Not anymore.

17.What is on the walls of your room?
Just paint. I hate hanging things on walls.

18.What are you looking forward to?
The end of the busy season, a relaxing 4th of July.

19.What would you do with a million dollars that you could use only for YOURSELF?
A thousand massages, another set of braces, and a motorcycle complete with leather jacket.

20.What will you do when you have posted this questionnaire?
Answer an e-mail that just came ine.

I tag whomever reads this post, and I doubt there are many.

Save the Earth, it's the only planet with Chocolate



TXArtcGal said...

I'm here!!...and, I'll do your tag tomorrow! LOL!

I have to say...I love what you would do with a million dollars!...and, now I'm wondering if you are a motorcycle mama? ;)

TXArtcGal said...

I went and did the tag!! Don't forget to check it out! ;)

~T said...

LOL, I tagged txartcgal this morning!

After reading this one, I'm wondering about you a little now. Hmmmmmm...

~T said...

LOL, I tagged txartcgal this morning!

After reading this one, I'm wondering about you a little now. Hmmmmmm...

~T said...

You want to be a motorcycle mama... that's all I was talking about.


TXArtcGal said...

Where have you been? I miss you!!!