Monday, April 24, 2006

PMS squared

To add to my awful PMS this weekend was
a scary sign at my local Sonic Drive-In:


Alas, no Route 44 Diet Coke with regular
cherry juice that day! Come to find out,
their french fry fryer caught on fire (just
try saying that fast three times!!) They
will re-open in a few days. Thank you, Lord!!

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson


TXArtcGal said...

OH NO!! I'm glad they will be up and running again soon!! They just opened up a Sonic down the street from us...this is where my dd wants to work! UGH!! Everything I can't stand...and, she wants to work there! But...I guess it would be a good first job!...she will actually have to move.

~T said...

How funny. I was feeling led to write songs last night on my blog too!!! Weird, huh? :o)