Monday, April 24, 2006

Happy Birthday to my dear, sweet husband, R! He turned 15 today! LOL! I don't call this "reverse" skate for nothing!
On the left is K12, and on the right is K15, holding Dusti. R got an MP3Player for his birthday. K12 calls it "The Bean." I was going to go into Best Buy and ask if they had any beans in stock, until she told me, "No! No! That's not what it's called!" She named it that herself because it is in the shape of a Lima bean!!

Beatrix Potter:
Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality.


TXArtcGal said...

Happy Birthday to R!!..and, he is going to enjoy his bean! I enjoy mine (although, it is shaped more like a deck of cards! LOL!). be 15 again! :)

~T said...

Happy Birthday to R! My R wants a bean too, and has saved over $100 for it... but still she waits! Hope he enjoys his.