Saturday, March 17, 2007

Another Saturday

I made up a new word the other day - "lemonier." e.g. Lemon drops are lemonier than Lemonheads.

My girls' new favorite word is "random."

I only have 10 more tubs of consignment to price and I am CAUGHT UP for the first time since last April. It is a race to see if I can get it done before someone else comes in with a truckload.

Still no internet orders, but a friend from Dallas has some clients looking for Sequential Spelling, so we added those to the shopping cart. Maybe an order next week!

I think I am just about Monked out. Hey, another new word! We watched four more episodes last night, and I'm finding myself laughing less. We borrowed Season Two from K16's friend, T.

Well, the consensus from Teaching Mom and the Well Trained Mind is that K16 can do the Apologia Physical Science without doing the experiments since she doesn't need the lab credit anyway. We will still need to read over how the experiments are supposed to turn out.

The word random is used to express lack of purpose, cause, order, or predictability in non-scientific parlance. A random process is a repeating process whose outcomes follow no describable deterministic pattern, but follow a probability distribution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another word derived from "Monk"--Monkathon - watching several episodes one after the other. :D

Lynn (from TM)