Yesterday there was a kindergarten-aged boy named Nicholas in the store. He found a NOISY car in the play area and pushed it all over the store, making a horrible screeching noise. The mom said nothing about it. After about 20 minutes, I went up to him and told him to put the car back into the play area. He said, "No." His mom didn't say a thing to him. Then D went over to him and told him that he needed to give it to her because she could not hear on the phone. He wouldn't give it to D, and the mom did nothing. Finally, D just grabbed it from him and put it in the kiosk! Ha ha! Why didn't I think of that? All four of us that were here cheered when he left.
Latest bizarre requests: shoestrings and Super Glue
Only thirty more minutes and I get to go home! We are having chili dogs for dinner.
K14 went camping last night and did not go to sleep at all. K17 has been at graduation today and will be at a graduation celebration tonight.
Have a good weekend!
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