I have been blessed twice the past two days. Yesterday, I rolled through a stop sign at a four-way stop. A sheriff was sitting at another stop sign. I was so nervous, I forgot to give him the right-of-way and I took off before him. He didn't even stop me.
Today, same sheriff was sitting on the side of the road. I was going 40 mph in a 30 mph zone. Again, he did not stop me! Praise God!
I surprised the pool man this morning when I walked out onto the back deck wearing my pajamas. Wonder if he'll ever come back! I guess if he feels he's being paid enough.
Yesterday after school the girls and I played The Weakest Link on my computer. It was good practice of their history and geography knowledge and also their ability to speed read. K16 won $207,000; I won $155,000. If only it were real.
Hello, you have reached the__________Police Department voice mail. -To whine about us not doing anything to solve a problem you created for yourself, press1.
-To inquire whether someone has to die before we'll do something about a problem, press 2.
-To report an officer for bad manners when in reality the officer is trying to keep your neighborhood safe, press 3.
-If you would like us to raise your children, press 4.
-If you would like us to take control of your life due to your alcoholic or chemical dependency, press 5.
-If you would like us to instantly restore order to a situation that took years to deteriorate, press 6.
-To tell us that you know the Chief of Police and or some other very important person and that we should respond to your problem immediately, press 7.
-To sue us, tell us you?ll have our badge, that you pay our salary, or proclaim that our career is over, press 8.
-To hear this menu again, wrap aluminum foil around your head and turn around three times.
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