Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saturday Thoughts

When I arrived at my office today, I was greeted with a sign on butcher paper, written by a child, which said "Love 2 Learn! The best bookstore ever." That really encouraged me. We have an art easel in the children's play area, and a child had left that sign for us. With the holidays over, I am overwhelmed, wondering how I am going to place orders, price consignment, work on the new website (which will now have a shopping cart), and homeschool. This sign was a real pick-me-up.

Yesterday at Kroger there was a lady in the expresss self-serve line with, I know, at least 30 items. She was holding everybody up. Why can't people be more considerate these days?

Pet peeve for the day: I LOVE talk radio, but why do all the stations have to break for commercials at exactly the same time? Makes surfing channels a useless waste of time.

Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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