Things I could have sold today: record books, Brownie sashes, Alpha Omega Science 9th grade set, a lesson plan book with a manly cover.
Things I undersold today: a pocket chart that rang up over 20 dollars but was priced at 9.90. :o(
Things I wish I had sold today: a Saxon Dive Advanced Math DIVE CD, everything on the 50% off table.
The bad news from last week: My computer was full of viruses and had to be restored. Was blessed in the fact that I only lost my homeschool folder, which can be redone quite easily, about 3 hours worth of work.
The good news from last week: R got a promotion! Woohoo! Way to go, R!
Well, we are ready for the big PUSH to save the store. We got a new open sign that says O-P-E-N, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN. Looks great. Ran off 50 brochures at $1.38 each, credit applications, homeschooling flyers, and flyers for a workshop on Teaching Strategies that Work. Paid for a sign at a local high school softball field. Looking into getting pencils made with our name on them to pass out to schools. The Hershey's chocolate offered to our customers has been a real hit this week. We have received 13 internet orders this month, up from 4 last month! If you have any more suggestions on how we can save the store, please let me know. I feel like Kathleen Kelly in You've Got Mail.
I absolutely cannot stand the new format on the Well-Trained Mind boards; I am totally lost. Eek! I think that's the same format as my forums! I hope that Leigh Ann continues with the format she uses now.
Menu plans: tonight - meatballs, cream of mushroom and rice; sunday - i have no idea; monday - meatloaf
We don't have much in the way of a business strategy. Like no business plan. Which I say to torment all my friends who are VCs or MBAs. That's always entertaining. The deal is, it's a mixture of luck and persistence.Craig Newmark
Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing.Tony Blair
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