Don't everyone rush over to our website and try to start talking on the forums. They're not functioning properly. We are going to start with four forums - Chit Chat, PreK-6th, 7th-12, and Special Needs. More forums will be added if need be.
Tonight after work we're going to go buy our temporary stamps so that tomorrow we can go LETTERBOXING!!! It will be so much fun to spend quality time with the family. We may even head up to Montgomery to find one (if I can talk R into it.)
I am trying to send out 600 emails about a workshop we are having next weekend, and Yahoo thinks I am spamming. I can only send out about 80 an hour.
School starts back up on Monday. I am anxious to see how K17 will do with work and school. I still need to get her history lessons typed up. Before you know it, it will be March and time to test them again. I'm already planning next year:
K17 - Algebra 2 or Consumer Math (Switched on Schoolhouse), Worldviews 1 (David Quine curriculum), Biology (hopefully, Apologia), Government (Land of Fair Play)/Economics (Whatever Happened to Penny Candy), Health (Alpha Omega)
K14 - Algebra 1 (Switched on Schoolhouse), Worldviews 1 (David Quine curriculum), Biology (hopefully, Apologia), Study of the Constitution (Story of the Constitution), French or Spanish
I also want to teach both girls to cook and about the election process, as K17 will be voting in the general election next year. Yikes! K17 helped make stew the other night and K14 made chicken and dumplings. I'm afraid we did not mix the batter well enough and the dumplings came out bitter. Oh, well, that's how you learn to cook!
Well, I've been here two hours and just found out my closed sign was up. Duh! Time for more caffeine!
Oprah Winfrey: Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.
Anonymous: A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one Year and out the other.
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