Sunday, June 25, 2006

Laundry Excuse

As mom, I was not "allowed" to do my laundry yesterday or today. This is the sign I found on our utility room door when I got home from work last night. Sometimes when you are the youngest in the family, in order to be heard, you have to make a sign! This is from the same daughter who said yesterday that she saw a dead "amarillo" on the side of the road. Always keeps me smilin'.

If you can give your son or daughter only one gift, let it be enthusiasm.
Bruce Barton

~outta here~

1 comment:

TXArtcGal said...

LOL! I wish my dd would do our laundry! She does wash clothes, but she always "forgets" to put ours in with hers! Funny how I never forget to put hers in with ours!