Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ways to Answer the Phone

Well, today is another busy day - no time to write, and I can't get any of my photos to upload. Blah! So while my pork chops are cookin, I'll copy - yes, copy! EEK! and paste - some creative ways to answer the telephone.

Ways to answer the Phone!
"Hey wassup ?"
"You have reached the residence of ___________, but no one is here right now... so please leave a...."
"Thank you, please pull around."
"Do-do-do- I'm sorry, you call cannot be completed as dialed!"
"talk to I!"
"911 Emergency!"
"Pizza Hut Japan, may I take your order?"

~sorry. no quote tonight, either. above are "telephone quotes" anyway. i must be the least creative person on the planet tonight!~

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