Update: Yesterday, the electric company took two of our trees off the power lines. They left the trees there; said we had to get rid of them ourselves. There is still a wire on the ground. Our next door neighbors still have a tree down on the lines behind their house.
We turned the generator on last night, and, wow, we have cable! We didn't even have cable one week before the storm!
Tonight we are going back to J and K's for dinner and then Bible study.
K18 and I are at L's again today; I wish she had a cot! I am soooo tired!
K15 is doing a presentation on a Renaissance painting about now. She was so nervous when I dropped her off.
I am so tired of going out in public and seeing signs that are misspelled or have grammatical errors. I was having a margarita the other night and looked up at the huge sign above the restaurant door saying, "Muchas Gracias!" I can't write it here, but to be correct, there should be an upside down exclamation point in front of "Muchas" and an accent mark over the first "a" in "gracias." Drove me so crazy, I had to change seats so I didn't have to look at it. Along 2920, there used to be a sign that said, "Trees for sell." Drove me nuts. Okay, so now I will probably get e-mails from you guys correcting my spelling and grammatical errors on my blog. Those don't count. Ha ha! Especially today because L will not stop talking while I am typing.
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