I go to L's store at least three times a week, and usually Burt is there, and they are working on their book. It makes me remember why I started this blog in the first place - to introduce you to the novel I was writing entitled "Reverse Skate." I was told by an author not to put it on this blog, however, because it would then be considered "published."
I haven't worked on the book for over a year and a half. After being at L's, I think the writing bug may have hit me again. I just don't know how to get started. There is so much that needs to be expounded upon; it's overwhelming. This is embarrassing, but I don't even remember all of the characters' names. So I guess I need to reread it for the nth time; it will all be new to me! LOL
The girls have gone to a Where's Waldo event at the mall, so R and I are going out to dinner. I can't decide between Italian or Mexican. Italian is a drive into Houston but so worth it. Mexican is just around the corner and offers jumbo margaritas.
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