Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Overheard in the store today...

You'll be glad to know that Mr. Klein is already selling doorstops fruitcakes in his store. BLECH! R and I bought an apple pie and a cherry pie last night for Bible study. YUM! Problem is that hardly anyone showed up, so we had to bring half a pie of each home.

The following was overheard in the store yesterday:
Customer to employee: How do you know how much this costs?
Employee: There is a price tag.
Customer(turning the book over): Oh, okay.

A big Homer Simpson "DOH"!

Some of you know that on Wednesday, I clean toilets, 18 to be exact (including urinals). I do this as part of a homeschool co-op. It's not an exciting job, but it keeps me away from people and all the chitchat. Anyway, you can learn a lot while cleaning toilets. For instance, did you know that the toilets in the girls' restroom are yuckier than those in the boys' restroom? Also, what is the point of tearing up paper towels into miniscule pieces and throwing them on the floor RIGHT NEXT TO THE TRASHCAN? I know why. So that I will be challenged picking them up wearing living gloves. Did you know that someone makes floormats especially to put in front of urinals? Today I learned that the automatic flushing toilets actually have a red button to push to manually flush them. Guess what I have been doing for the past six weeks? Waving my arms madly like a maniac, doing everything but the Hokey Pokey to get them to flush. What an idiot.

Just between you and me, I think that Marie Osmond is going to win Dancing with the Stars simply out of popularity. She should not have made it this far. I would be curious to see the actual results of the votes to see if she is usually close to number one. If she wins I think the show is done for. I mean, why watch when you know it's just a popularity contest?

"I've learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes."
-- Andy Rooney

1 comment:

~T said...

I agree with your thoughts about Marie. Cameron or Sabrina were MUCH better dancers than Marie. One of my dd's said that all the M's must be voting for her! ;) I really like Helio now. (and Jenny)