K17 and K14 have been up at my mom and dad's since Thursday evening. R just left to go pick them up. Man, it sure is quiet around here without them!
It's been quite busy in the store today. Almost a bit more than I can handle by myself, but I'm trying.
Thursday night R took me to Olive Garden. Last night I cooked him one of his favorite meals, and we watched a new episode of Monk.
Guess what? I got my first online order today on the new website! Bad news is that I have none of the three items that she ordered in stock. Good news is that two of them should be coming in the first of the week. I'll have to order the third item today.
There are a lot of people in here right now, but no one is buying anything! Maybe I should hang a sign that reads "Browsing Not Allowed."
Italian Proverbs:
"Old wine and friends improve with age.”
"Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.”
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