Sunday, August 19, 2007

My Sunday

Today the girls and I went to the mall for some shopping and female bonding. K14 bought two shirts and a pair of bermuda shorts; K17 bought a shirt. Then we went to Academy to get K17 some shoes for volleyball, which she has tomorrow. K14 and I will travel a ways to visit with Mom and Dad while K17 is practicing.

I have two orders to do and don't know when I will have time to do them. I promised K17 that we could watch the second disc of 24 tonight.
Above is a picture of K17. Isn't she beautiful?
Jack Bauer: I'm federal agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my life.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Menu planning

Praise God! I knew it would happen! Someone came in and put the Apologia Physical Science on consignment. Woohoo! Now each girl has their own science book, making school day much easier.

Here is a rotating menu I made for September. There are four Mondays, four Tuesdays, etc. Hoping to add soups to October's menu.

Monday - meatballs & rice, spaghetti, lasagna, baked spaghetti
Served with garlic bread and green beans

Tuesday - chef salad, taco salad, grilled chicken salad, tuna/chicken salad
Tuna/chicken salad serverd with canned fruit and crackers

Wednesday - grilled chicken, chicken teriyaki, turkey roast, chicken stir fry
served with rice and corn

Friday - catfish, salmon, fish sticks, salmon patties
served with pasta and peas

Saturday - sloppy joes, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked potatoes
first three served with french fries

Sunday - roast, pork chops, tacos, breakfast casserole
first three served with potatoes or rice; casserole served with biscuits and turkey bacon

This is a new sway of planning meals which I discovered this week. Hope it will help me get organized. Now I just need to get back to my Motivated Moms organizer. Don't know if that will ever happen! There are just not going to be enough hours in a day, especially if I am working on the website!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Today I took K14 to the eye doctor for an exam and to be fitted with different contact lenses.

Last night I did a totally brilliant thing - I walked into a parked car - BLAM! Man, did that ever hurt! I am still sore today. It was pitch dark. I was trying to walk AROUND the car, but missed.

I think I've gotten most of the school work organized. I still need to plan some of K17's history and look through their science book to match lessons with the CD. (This is Apologia I'm talking about.)

I've been going to some new blogs this week - Mom21's and Momster. If you have a blog that you would like me to visit, just let me know.

Pain is no evil, unless it conquers us. - Charles Kingsley

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This Week's Menu

This week's menu in no particular order:
Taco salad - lettuce, taco meat, tomatoes, tortilla chips, corn, black beans, cheese, sour cream, and picante sauce.
Pork Chops made with Shake and Bake like Mom used to make
Lasagne and salad
Chicken Stir Fry with Rice
Spaghetti if I still need an Italian fix
Thursday night is eating out, probably at Panera Bread for Caesar salads

Butter vs. Margarine ? I trust cows over scientists.


Order from France

Man, is it ever hot here! The A/C in the store is still not fixed.

Someone from France tried to order from our website today. I thought that was neat that out of millions of websites they were directed to ours! That is GOOD news! I had to apologetically e-mail said customer and let them know that, unfortunately, we do not ship to France.

Reluctantly, I am going to have to add spelling as a subject this year. I have chosen Rod & Staff 7th grade spelling, unless I find something better at the conference on Friday. Can you believe it? I am going to a conference as a mom and not as a vendor! I'll actually get to go to workshops and hang out with a friend who is looking for a Latin program. I will buy K14's next Math U See book. But after that, I'm done. I will simply enjoy people watching and watching my friend look at Latin and math programs.

Today was the girls' last day at Bible study. Okay, so we're losing one activity and adding about seven in two weeks. The rest of this month will be full of appointments - eye doctor, dentist, haircuts. Bought K14 a nice pair of Converses today. Am hoping to take the girls to Galveston next week to do some sightseeing and shopping.

Monday, August 13, 2007


The A/C went out in the store today, of all days. In the shade at Sonic, my thermometer read 105 degrees!

You know, I really think it's neat that in this country we stop for funeral processions. How respectful that is! Shame on those who refuse to stop for two minutes in their lives.!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Today I received an interesting compliment. A customer said, "Oooooh, I like your fingernails! They're so unhomeschool momish!"
I don't have my camera with me, but my nails are the exact opposite of this picture here. Mine are sparkly white-tipped with a dark sparkly purple line.
"I am the screeching fingernail on the chalkboard of justice!"--Negaduck

I Just Love These OCD Cartoons!

I Miss My Kids!

K17 and K14 have been up at my mom and dad's since Thursday evening. R just left to go pick them up. Man, it sure is quiet around here without them!

It's been quite busy in the store today. Almost a bit more than I can handle by myself, but I'm trying.

Thursday night R took me to Olive Garden. Last night I cooked him one of his favorite meals, and we watched a new episode of Monk.

Guess what? I got my first online order today on the new website! Bad news is that I have none of the three items that she ordered in stock. Good news is that two of them should be coming in the first of the week. I'll have to order the third item today.

There are a lot of people in here right now, but no one is buying anything! Maybe I should hang a sign that reads "Browsing Not Allowed."

Italian Proverbs:

"Old wine and friends improve with age.”

"Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.”

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Cartoon Time Again!

My day

As school approaches, my days will get busier and busier. Today I took K17 to get her (we thought) entire toenail removed. Turns out, they decided to just remove the part of the toenail that was giving her problems in hopes that it will grow out correctly. This resulted in two injections into the toe. Why not do four injections and get it over with? Anyway, she did great!

Then I proceeded to work, where there was a pile of book orders waiting to be filled, which I cannot pay for. I went ahead and ordered them, with the prayer that the companies will give me some slack and let me pay later.

Tonight was supposed to be baked chicken night, but found out that K17 has a job interview with MOPS at 6:30. If she gets the job, she will have to be at work every Friday from 8:00 to 12:00. Can everybody say "No sleep-in day after all!"

We watched the last disc of 24 Season Four last night. All in all, pretyy anti-climactic (sp?) compared to the other three seasons.

So now our new school schedule if K17 gets the job will be as follows:
Monday: 8:00 - 1:00 school work. Travel. 2:00 - 5:00 volleyball practice in Conroe
Tuesday: 8:00 - 10:30 school work. Travel. 11:00 to 12:00 Algebra class Eat and travel 1:00 to 3:00 Writing class Travel Late afternoon; volleyball Finish school work at the store or at night.
Wednesday: 8:00 to 10:30 school work Travel 11:00-1:00 clogging Travel and eat 1:45 to 3:00 Science class Finish school work at store. K14 to choir practice at 5:00
Thursday: 8:00-9:30 French class 35 minutes away Finish school work at store all day until music lessons around 4:00 ish Late afternoon: volleyball game (not sure what to do about music lessons at this time. Will deal with it when it comes up.)
Friday: 8:00-12:00 K17 work 35 minutes away. Finish school work the rest of the day
Saturday: moving Jenny Craig to Saturday. Still unsure about when to fit therapy in. She is booked solid right now.

The top 5 advantages to being home schooled.
5. Get to watch TV during recess. 4. Get to wear jammies all day. 3. No banging chalk dust from erasers. 2. Teacher constantly interrupted by telemarketers. And the number one advantage to being home schooled:
1. No toting heavy weaponry all the way to the public school.

LOL. This will not be us. I've decided to call ours "carschooling."
