Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Housebreaking 101

I think Dusti is FINALLY starting to get the idea after 6 months!!! She is starting to go to the door and makes a “cluck cluck” sound, kind of like a chipmunk, when she wants to go out. Today, when I looked into her eyes, it was almost as if a light went on in her brain and she was saying to herself, “Ah, okay! I see now! After each of the 3, 256 times I have pottied outside in the past six months, I have received a treat!! Now, if I could just get her to stop going to the door every five minutes and expecting a Pupperoni for it!


TXArtcGal said...

LOL!! Pupperoni! That's hilarious! I'm glad Dusti is finally getting it!

~T said...

Good for Dusti!!!!!!!!!!!!