K15 was at drama camp all week and performed in a West Side Story showcase last night. She did great! My mom, dad, grandma, E and P were there, too! Afterwards we went to Rancho Grande for a couple of hours. Service was the pits. They never did bring K18 anything to drink. They did, however, sing a birthday song to her in Spanish and put whipped cream on her face, with a cherry for the nose.
As for me, I will be glad when this whole thing is over. I can already tell that we are going to have a lot of fixtures left over if we don't hurry up and sell them. A lady did come in today who wants to open a store in Conroe; she may be interested in some of the fixtures. She, like many other CLUELESS people, couldn't understand why we were closing and why I strongly suggested that she re-think her "vision." This, after she was already aware that the other homeschool store in Conroe barely made it two years and that our nearest competition is experiencing low sales. Oh, well, to be young again and dream the dream. I wish the best for her; I really do. Like R told her, "Give it a shot. You'll never know until you try." (Or go into debt first --- my thought.)
I am very blessed in the fact that I have lots of skills that will help me get a job. Not just any job. I want one that really pays me for what I am worth. I will not be happy with the bare minimum. I have education and legal experience, owning and running a business. There are only two things that I don't want to do - teach children and anything to do with finances. I am leaning towards adult education/training; but, hey, if you want me to answer 6-9 telephone lines and type up your memos, I'm all for it. Just don't ask me to add up any numbers or tutor your children. Numbers make me nervous and I am burnt out on teaching K-12.
Here are the girls' schedules for the fall so far:K18 - Biology, Word in Season (United States History/English Lit. & Writing class), finish Algebra and move on to next math, Government - fall; Economics - spring, Health
K14 soon to be 15 - Biology, Word in Season (Renaissance and Reformation +), Spanish 1, Algebra, piano, possibly theater.
We are re-thinking clogging and piano right now, depending on schedules. K14 may get a job next year at a local tea room; K18 is still waiting to hear from Target, but I think they would have called by now.
It is 4:30, and, man, am I tempted to close early! Got a new phone this week and am still trying to figure some things out. My ringtone at the moment is Darth Vader's Imperial March from Empire Strikes Back. Hmmm. Tonight might be a good Star Wars night since our cable is still out.